Colic Equine

Despite its rugged appearance and powerful, the horse suffers ailments and conditions that can resent your health. Although there are various therapies to help the animal feel good, it is best to conduct a preventive medicine to prevent diseases develop in your body. It is therefore essential that you keep monitoring and care: observation is the determining factor to know if your faithful friend is in perfect condition.

There are conditions that are very easy to spot and treat external character as is the case of injuries or breakage. However, there are other internal condition are harder to find. However, colic is strong pathologies that are easily diagnosed pain. If you are related to the equine world will have heard of the disease that occurs as the leading cause of death among them.

What is it and why colic occurs?

Equine colic as "a sharp pain because the horse has a problem in the digestive system." The anatomy of the horse is undoubtedly one of the main features for the suffering this serious problem. Possessing a digestive system so long, the ligaments that suspend the digestive have much space. This causes "move that has guts and twists," explains the vet.

Apart from its physiology there are plenty of causes that enable one with dementia. What the expert says is that "everything that can cause stress to the horse it causes colic: transport the animal from one place to another, excessive exercise or otherwise invalid." One of the main causes is no doubt that the horse does not get adequate food. "It is recommended that during the day, the food ration repartas three times," says Sonia Fernandez. Good nutrition combined "compound feed, grain, oats, and of course, hay and alfalfa, interested foods that eat the horse to chew."

Diagnose the condition

It is easy to see that a horse is suffering from colic, as the symptoms are evident. Depending on how strong he is attacking not stop moving and restless show: lie down, get up and down the block will flip constantly. The animal can not defecate or urinate continually look and flank pain. Equine Colic is a very dangerous disease that if not treated early can be fatal to the animal. If you notice that your pet has colic, go urgently to a veterinarian specializing in horses.

The first thing you do when it's horses affected by this pathology is a digital rectal exam to see if the colic is later. That is, if you have moved the viscera. Then gasogástrico catheterization is performed, "is introduced by the horse left treading a probe with warm salt water which acts as a laxative effect."

Approximately spend about ten liters of fluid by the probe. If you enter more than four liters rather indicates that colic is not earlier. But if on the contrary, not properly pass and reflux means that there is subsequent colic, has occurred in the small intestine or in the stomach. "When produced in the stomach, the horse dies," Fernandez concludes.

The veterinarians prescribe treatment that is based on "analgesia, to take away the pain, and whey," she explains. The serum provides excess fluid in the body. "Viscera, kidneys and liver absorb excess liquid helping undo the ball which is causing the colic," he adds. Thus, the animal again to defecate and urinate.

Prevention rather than cure

If colic is detected early, almost certainly the animal heal. Still, prevention is the best option. For Fernández Vázquez food is the basis of everything. "If you give a lot of fiber bundles that the horse has a constant movement of his gut," he says. Fiber is very important but do not forget that either have a lack of protein and minerals.

Exercise is essential, the horse has to move, play sports. "The wild horses, which are the free, daily walk about 30 kilometers," says the expert. Therefore, it is necessary that the animal to move at least one hour and a half to two hours a day. "If when you look outside of the block that is rolling, this is a sign that the horse is healthy," he concludes.

When you have to make a trip to the animal, try not to exceed four hours travel. Remember it is important not to get stressed, talk to him and caress, and if you think it's necessary to pull down the trailer, do it. Finally, Fernandez Vazquez ensures that the animal must be arranged so that the teeth are correct mastication.

Cramps are very easily and are very dangerous. Sometimes, they come to cause death of the animal. To prevent this disease suffer trying to keep a tight control on health, hygiene and feeding of your horse.